Winter Springs Winter Wonderland Parade


Come join us and support our neighboring friends and families during Winter Springs's 42nd annual Holiday Parade.

The event will be on Saturday, December 7, 2024.

During previous events, we were additional eyes and ears for the city and helped in staging the participants, using Amateur Radio for communication. This is an all-hands-on-deck event, and we need your help.

If you have an interest in coming out to help and enjoy the parade, it is very important that you register. This helps us better understand who is interested and how we can best support the City.

If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to Joe.

Thanks, Joe KQ4AID

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join lmars

New club members are always welcome. LMARS has a monthly meeting where we attend to club business, hold a presentation related to Ham radio, and get together with other Hams.

As a member of LMARS, you will make a difference in taking part in club functions, operating at Field Day, and providing communications services at city events!

Get involved with LMARS today!

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