Due to HamCation the next LMARS meeting will be February 13th.


lake monroe amateur radio society

welcome to the Lake Monroe Amateur Radio Society!

The Lake Monroe Amateur Radio Society serves Seminole County and Central Florida.

The next meeting is on February 13, 2025.

Our regular members meeting are held at the Winter Springs Senior Center.

Map and membership

Photo Gallery

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Come see our image gallery and visit LMARS through photos.

Our Newsletter

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Download the latest edition of our monthly Newsletter!


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All purchases include an embroidered LMARS logo.

lmars traffic net

The SVTN is an official net of the ARRL National Traffic System and maintains liaison with other recognized traffic nets. It is a training net dedicated to learning and practicing message handling and formal net procedures in a non-threatening, positive environment where more experienced operators are able to help those who are learning.

The Seminole VHF Traffic Net meets daily at 7:15PM on the 147.285 MHz repeater with a PL Tone of 107.2 Hz and a standard +600 offset.

interested in becoming a ham radio operator?

Visit our Licensing page to find out more about how to get into the hobby!

join lmars

New club members are always welcome. LMARS has a monthly meeting where we attend to club business, hold a presentation related to Ham radio, and get together with other Hams.

As a member of LMARS, you will make a difference in taking part in club functions, operating at Field Day, and providing communications services at city events!

Get involved with LMARS today!

© Lake Monroe Amateur Radio Society | Designed by GlowPuff