Elmers / VE


An Elmer is a person who teaches and offers guidance to neophyte amateur radio operators.

The term first appeared in the March, 1971 issue of QST magazine's "How's DX" column by Rod Newkirk, W9BRD (now also VA3ZBB). Newkirk called them "the unsung fathers of Amateur Radio." While he probably was not trying to coin a term at the time, here's how Newkirk introduced "Elmer" in his column and, as it turned out, to the rest of the amateur radio world: "Too frequently one hears a sad story in this little nutshell: 'Oh, I almost got a ticket, too, but Elmer, W9XYZ, moved away and I kind of lost interest.'" Newkirk went on to say, "We need those Elmers. All the Elmers, including the ham who took the most time and trouble to give you a push toward your license, are the birds who keep this great game young and fresh."


Guy "Vern" Wells
Phone: 407-782-0887


The Federal Communications has set up a framework where Volunteer Examiner Coordinators (ARRL W5YI) work in liaison with the FCC, and coordinate testing sessions.

VE teams are formed and administer license exams through the VEC. The ARRL is one of 14 VECs. It is the largest.

We are your LMARS, friendly and professional, VE team.

Our volunteer team is made up of fellow Ham radio operators from the Central Florida area, some LMARS members, some not. We are a diverse group with a common love for the Ham radio hobby.

We hold test sessions six times a year at the Seminole County Sheriff’s Office in Sanford, FL. Most of our members volunteer and paticipate in the annual OARC hamcation test sessions, and some of our examiners volunteer to assist AES and OARC with their monthly test sessions.

We promise to do our best to provide a test session that is friendly, comfortable and as stress free as possible.

James Williams, N4ZKT

where to start

how to become a ham

interested in becoming a ham radio operator?

Visit our Licensing page to find out more about how to get into the hobby!

join lmars

New club members are always welcome. LMARS has a monthly meeting where we attend to club business, hold a presentation related to Ham radio, and get together with other Hams.

As a member of LMARS, you will make a difference in taking part in club functions, operating at Field Day, and providing communications services at city events!

Get involved with LMARS today!

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